عاااجل تعرف علي التخصصات المطلوبة للعمل لدي معهد دسمان للسكري في الكويت ( 11 وظيفة جديدة ) من خلال المقال التالي 👇👇👇 Urgent: Learn about the specializations required to work at Dasman Diabetes Institute in Kuwait (11 new jobs) through the following article 👇👇👇


Kuwait Jobs Today: Dasman Diabetes announces new job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? Dasman Diabetes announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. These opportunities are available to all nationalities. Learn about the available jobs and how to apply through the following advertisement.

Required jobs in Dasman Diabetes and their details:

Clinical Main Receptionist/ Operator- Kuwaiti Nationals - Clinical Administration


  • Ensure all assigned clinics appointments are confirmed, filling the empty slots, and checking the required clinical procedures. Audit the clinical preparation process for the assigned clinics.
  • Check-in patients as soon as shown in the clinic reception and performing the cashiering tasks and the insurance claims according to DDI policies and procedures.
  • Investigate the no-show’s patients on daily basis and prepare the no show report for the assigned clinics.
  • Prepare patient folders for newly admitted patients, assembling records into standard order.
  • Send Satisfaction survey for patients according to clinic as per super visor instruction
  • Ensure that all relevant patient folders are available for appointments at clinics, obtaining the signature of the nurse receiving the folders.
  • Compiles statistical data for each clinic daily, monthly, and yearly to show number of new patients, follow-up patients, no-show patients and waiting lists for new referrals and follow-up clinics.
  • Apply the ‘out guide’ and ‘medical requisition form’ booking system when receiving patient records from, or when returning them to, the medical records filing room or when receiving patient folders from other clinics.
  • Prepare clinical appointment lists and other patient information requests, as required by DDI clinical staff
  • Prepare clinical medical forms, by adding patient information, prior to the patient’s appointment.
  • Receives patient folders from clinical nurses, ensuring new records are scanned and entered in the standard order and are correctly stamped and signed.
  • Return patient records to the medical records filing room, filing the patient folders in accordance with filing system of the medical records filing room.
  • Provide information of a general nature to authorized requestors.
  • Maintain confidentiality, security and access control for records.
  • Deal with the visitors/patients’ inquiries either via the phone or face to face.
  • Guide patients and visitors to the relevant areas / clinics.
  • Manage patient access to required clinics.
  • Cover other clinical receptionist’s designated clinics in time of vacation or other absence.
  • Call the research participants as directed.
  • Receive and track all patients’ requests with weekly audit report including the late response and be sure that all patients’ requests are replied with in two weeks.
  • Act as the DDI receptionist in time of vacation, during break time, or other absence.

تنبية عام: لا تقوم ابدا بأعادة ارسال اي اكواد يحاول المعلن ارسالها لك على الجوال ويطالبك باعادة ارسالها له وعليك الابلاغ عن الاعلان فور حدوث ذلك لنقوم بحظر المعلن واغلاق الاعلان

تنبية عام: لا تقوم بتحويل اى مبالغ مالية مقابل التوظيف اذا كنت تتقدم لشركة من خلال احدي مكاتب التوظيف نرجوا الاطلاع على ترخيص المكتب وزيارته اذا امكن قبل دفع اي رسوم.

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