إعلان توظيف لدي مستشفى طيبة في الكويت ( عدد 15 شاغر وظيفي ) للتخصصات التالية ( ادارية - طبية - الفنية - تمريض - المالية - خدمة عملاء ) تقدم الان Job announcement at Taiba Hospital in Kuwait (15job vacancies) for the following specializations (administrative - medical - technical - nursing - Finance- customer service). Apply now.


Taiba Hospital‏ ‏was established by renowned Kuwaiti ENT Consultant Dr. Sanad Al Fadala in 2002 as “Taiba Clinic,” Kuwait’s first ‎one-day surgery centre. In 2006, to meet the growing healthcare needs of the community it serves, ‎Taiba Clinic acquired a license to ‎operate as a full-fledged hospital, ‎becoming Taiba Hospital, the first private hospital in Mubarak Al-Kabeer ‎‎Governorate.‎

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