تعلن شركة الألبان الكويتية الدنماركية KDD عن 7 وظيفة شاغرة في بالكويت Kuwait Danish Dairy Company (KDD) announces 7 job vacancies in Kuwait



Kuwait Jobs Today:  KDD Company announces job opportunities. Are you looking for job opportunities in Kuwait? KDD Company announces the opening of recruitment for many jobs in various specializations in Kuwaiton today's date. These opportunities are available to all nationalities. Learn about the available jobs and how to apply through the following advertisement.

Required jobs in KDD company and their details:

Applied Food Science Researcher

Required Professional Skills.
  • Experience in the food and beverage industry related to food science and bio-chemistry.
  • Two years of relevant work experience in a similar role.
  • Proficiency in MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Teams. Fluency in databases and analytical/statistical software is a plus.
  • Experience and ability to use a range of visual presentation tools and formats to communicate complex scientific ideas in concise and compelling terms.

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