social media updates you NEED to know 👇 تحديثات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي التي تحتاج إلى معرفتها 👇


social media updates you NEED to know 👇

🔗 Instagram, now lets you have up to FIVE links in your bio

🌏 TikTok is moving to ban ALL climate change denier content

👀 Microsoft has DROPPED Twitter from it’s advertising platform, Elon Musk claims he will sue over data being used without permission

📲 TikTok has confirmed that you can STILL upload ten minute TikToks after some users realised the option had disappeared - you just can’t record ten minute videos within the app

🫣 Montana looks to BAN TikTok on personal phones

🗽Instagram is allegedly to move majority of staff from London to New York

🎶 BeReal now lets you include what song you’re listening to on Spotify

🍃 Twitter are, allegedly, removing legacy verification checkmarks today (20th April)

👏 TikTok is rolling out a “sort” filter for the video tab on profiles, you’ll be able to select from “Latest” and “Popular”

🙄 Instagram is allegedly still working on a BeReal-like feature (this was in my updates last year) but now called Spontaneous Stories that you can share with friends

And that’s all for now folks, see you next time! 👋 💜 💫


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