فرصة لا تفوت - شركة ﺑﻴﺮو ﻓﻴﺮﻳﺘﺎس تعلن عن شاغر وظيفي جديد في الكويت بتاريخ اليوم - تعرف علي التفاصيل وكيفية التقديم من خلال الاعلان التالي 👇👇👇 An opportunity not to be missed - Bureau Veritas Group announces a new job vacancy in Kuwait today - Learn the details and how to apply through the following announcement 👇👇👇

 Bureau Veritas is a world leader in Testing, Inspection and Certification. Our mission is at the heart of key challenges: quality, health and safety, environmental protection and social responsibility. Through our wide range of expertise, impartiality and independence, we foster confidence between companies, public authorities and clients.

Bureau Veritas is a Business to Business to Society company, contributing to transform the world we live in. Driven by society, we are working ever more closely with our clients, addressing today’s crucial challenges and answering society’s aspirations.



Role is responsible for providing specialized expertise on operational matters related to gas carriers life circle i.e. pre-contract, new construction and in service. The role ensures that the highest standards of safety, efficiency, and technical excellence apply in the design, classification and operations of gas carriers (LNG, LPG and other gas-fueled vessels). More specifically the role will:

  • Provide technical support and consultancy on the design, construction, and operation of gas carriers, mainly in Deck-Marine Operations related disciplines.
  • Maintain regular contact and liaison with the key Clients’ operations teams and represent Bureau Veritas to them 
  • Follow up remotely the progress of Clients New Building projects in coordination with BV Korea and BV China local teams and provide regular updates to Clients in Doha and Middle East Area.
  • Develop training and knowledge sharing material and actively participate/contribute to the training delivery sessions and in-house (BV) workshops for clients on several relevant technical/operational subjects 
  • Contribute on the development and design work carried within BV on gas technologies, related with cargo and/or fuel gas systems (including LNG bunkering, dual-fuel engines and alternative fuels solutions).
  • Collaborate with the BV’s network experts and participates to specifications review, drawing review and approval
  • Collaborate and supports the BV commercial teams
  • Provide gas expert’s consultancy support to the BV Marine & Offshore Classification team located also at Doha.

Apply for the job through the following link 👇👇👇👇


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